

Investment Credit

  • Investment costs spread over time
  • Simple digital application process
  • Tax-deductible

Business Budget Facility

  • Cover small unexpected expenses
  • Go temporarily overdrawn by up to 5 000 euros
  • Interest is tax-deductible

Advance in Current Account

  • Overcome temporary cash flow shortfalls
  • Pay your suppliers in cash
  • Give your customers more time to pay

Line of Business Credit with Straight Loans

  • Respond to larger scale operating requirements
  • Determine the amount and term yourself
  • Only pay interest on amounts drawn down

Tax pre-payment plan

Cash budget credit facility

Roll-Over Line of Credit

Compare our types of credit for business facilities

Compare our credits to finance working capital

Compare our types of credit for real estate


How to sign your tax pre-payment plan in KBC Brussels Touch

How do you draw down your credit facility digitally?

KBC Brussels Renovation Loan for Owners’ Associations

Remission of debt insurance

Agroflex Credit

The agroflex credit facility is ideal for financing the purchase of farming or horticultural equipment or property. It's tailored to the needs of your business.