Agroflex Credit

When is this loan right for your business?

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Agroflex Credit

When is this loan right for your business?

What is KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit?

As an agricultural or horticultural entrepreneur, you can finance your investments with KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit.

Flexibility when you need it most
Diseases, pests, storms, prolonged drought, collapsing prices  and similar setbacks can all leave you in need of temporary financial support. At moments like that, KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit is a solution that gives you the breathing space you need.

Over the lifetime of the loan, you get to play three jokers. Each joker allows you:

  • to spread one year’s principal repayments over the remaining term of the loan,
  • without you having to pay an adjustment fee.


  • You enjoy maximum flexibility thanks to the variable interest rate
  • You choose yourself when to use your joker
  • If you play your joker, you don’t have to pay a fee to change the repayment schedule
  • You get a wide range of repayment options
  • You have certainty about how much you repay over what term
  • You can set off the interest and costs against your company’s taxes
  • You can draw down the loan in tranches or all at once
  • You have the option to combine the loan with government support

How does it work?

Amount and term
The amount and the term of the loan depend on the nature of the investment and your financial capacity. Commercial premises, for instance, have a longer economic life than a piece of agricultural machinery. It is logical, therefore, that a loan for that purpose has a longer term.

Terms of up to 20 years are available for KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit. If you are looking for a loan of more than 20 years, you should opt for KBC Brussels Investment Credit.

If you’d like to postpone your first repayment for a while, you get a ‘grace period’. During this period, you pay the interest, but you don’t have to repay any principal.

If you would like to change the draw-down period during the term of your loan, you can with this type of business finance, on payment of a fee.

You can always repay part of the loan early. In that case, you pay a reinvestment fee.

If you have to make a downpayment on your commercial equipment or real property and pay the balance later, you can draw down the loan in tranches. We deposit each tranche on your bank account based on your proofs of investment.

When you apply for the loan, you opt for monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual repayment. The interest rate is variable.

Interest and costs are all tax-deductible.

Can be combined with government support
The government has taken a number of measures to encourage businesspeople to invest.

KBC Brussels Remission of Debt insurance protects your family financially if you should die during the term of the credit. You can also take out this protection if you contract credit via your company or partnership.

On death, the full debt is paid off and KBC Insurance pays the outstanding capital and the interest due on the KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit.

And, you don't need to go through a medical questionnaire or examination when you sign up.

  • Our 'remission of debt' insurance provides death cover in the form of guaranteed-interest (class 21) life insurance.
  • The KBC Brussels Remission of Debt policy is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • The end of the Agroflex Credit results in termination of the cover of all insured persons. Any insured reaching the age of 65 ceases to be covered though, if there are other insured persons, they will of course continue to be covered.
  • Your intermediary is your first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, you can contact KBC Brussels Complaints Management by post at Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, by e-mail at, by telephone on tel. 016 43 25 94. If no satisfactory solution can be reached, you can contact the Insurance Ombudsman at de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, or, which serves the whole industry. Alternatively, visit
    However, you always retain the right to initiate legal proceedings.
  • If you would like an offer for KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit and KBC Brussels Remission of Debt insurance, please contact your KBC Brussels Bank branch.
  • KBC Brussels Remission of Debt insurance is a product of KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium
    VAT No. BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB
    Company authorised for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979; Belgian Official Gazette, 14 July 1979) by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
    Member of the KBC Group

For a concise description of the cover, the main exclusions and other useful information, please refer to the product fact sheet.

For a concise description of the cover, the main exclusions and other useful information, please refer to the product fact sheet.

Interested? Make an appointment

There's a KBC Brussels Bank branch dedicated to agriculture and horticulture in every Flemish province. Its relationship managers, loan officers and advisers from the Flemish Agricultural Investment Fund (VLIF) are all experts in agriculture and horticulture. If you want to find out more about KBC Brussels Agroflex Credit, just call or send an e-mail to a branch near you.

Hoogstraatsebaan 14
2960 Brecht
Tel: 03 317 10 30
Gouv. Verwilgensingel 100
3500 Hasselt
Tel: 011 28 77 50
Flemish Brabant
Prof. R. Van Overstraetenplein 2
3000 Leuven
Tel: 016 24 41 90
East Flanders
Kortrijkstesteenweg 1100
9051 Gent
Tel: 09 240 98 60
West Flanders
Pr. Kennedypark 31
8500 Kortrijk
Tel: 056 24 01 40

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