Long-term saving with a unit-linked (class 23) life insurance product
- Tax-efficient
- Responsible investment
- Can be combined with pension saving
What is the KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan?
The KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan is a unit-linked (class 23) life insurance product that allows you to build up a supplementary pension before and during retirement under the long-term saving tax system.
This way, you could benefit from up to 30% tax relief a year. The tax treatment will depend on your individual situation and may change in the future.
It's easy to start saving for the long term in KBC Brussels Mobile, however, you can also contact your KBC Brussels branch, your KBC Brussels Insurance agency or KBC Brussels Live.
More about long-term saving with KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan
Objectives and investment policy
Your deposits are paid into the KBC-Life Dynamic Responsible Investing.
The return generated by the fund depends on the performance of the shares, bonds and any other investment instruments in the fund. The fund's target allocation is 55% shares and/or share-related investments (stock component) and 45% bonds and/or bond-related investments (bond component).
The target allocation may be deviated from in line with the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management NV. It is therefore possible for the fund to invest in asset classes that are not included in the guideline spread.
The fund has no maturity date. There is no capital protection or guaranteed return, as a result of which the value of the reserve may fluctuate over time. You can check the fund’s net asset value at KBC Brussels.be/fundfinder.
Combine a potential return with tax relief
Your return is therefore dependent on the performance of the fund mentioned above.
The amounts you pay into this investment-type insurance product qualify for tax relief under the long-term saving tax scheme. Each year, you can get a benefit of up to 30% of the amounts saved in the form of tax relief, depending on your personal situation.
Responsible investment
The fund pursues responsible investing objectives based on a dualistic approach: a negative screening and a positive selection methodology.
The negative screening entails that the fund may not invest in assets of issuers that are excluded based on exclusion criteria (including tobacco, gambling activities and weapons). You can find further information on the exclusion policy at www.kbc.be/investment-legal-documents > Exclusion policy for responsible investing funds.
The positive selection methodology combines portfolio targets and supporting sustainable development. Portfolio targets are based on greenhouse gas intensity being reduced and ESG ('Environmental, Social, Governance') characteristics improving relative versus its target allocation. Sustainable development is supported by investing in bonds that finance green and/or social projects and in issuers that contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
More information on the positive selection methodology and the specific objectives for each fund can be found at www.kbc.be/investment-legal-documents > Investment policy for responsible investing funds and in the SFDR precontractual disclosure, which is an annex to these management rules.
More sustainability-related disclosures can be found at www.kbc.be/en/SRD.
The fund manager may make significant use of derivatives involving the assets of issuers that do not have a responsible nature.
Save at your own pace
You choose when and how much you deposit, tailored to your personal financial situation.Deposits can start from as little as 10 euros a month.
The maximum amount you can save each year depends on the level of your earned income or pension. The savings amount per year for 2025 is 2,530 euros.
Combine long-term saving with pension saving
Combining pension saving and long-term saving may be a good idea. They are two separate tax schemes, so you may get tax relief with both formulas. Particularly if you don't have a home loan, this may offer tax benefits.
Key characteristics of the KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan insurance contract
You choose how long you want to save for under the KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan. The contract must run for at least 10 years and isn't terminated before your 65th birthday.
You designate the beneficiary in case of death
You're the policyholder and the insured under the contract. You choose the beneficiary who receives the accumulated capital if you should die before the end date of the contract. However, that person must be your legal spouse, your legally cohabiting partner or a relative up to the second degree.
- You pay 2% insurance tax on each deposit.
- You pay 2.5% entry charges per deposit.
- There are no exit charges. You can withdraw your accumulated capital before the end date of the contract though you may be heavily taxed.
The fund's management fees are automatically deducted from the net asset value. Be sure to read the management rules for more information on the costs and features of the fund.
Tax treatment on payment
As soon as you have benefited from tax relief on an amount paid in, you are charged an advance levy of 10% on the accumulated capital. Usually, you pay this on your 60th birthday (or on the 10th anniversary of the contract if you sign it after your 55th birthday).
Any deposits you make after the advance levy has been withheld are no longer taxed. However, you continue to benefit from maximum 30% tax relief. So it may well be worth your while to keep saving.
An investment in the fund that is linked to the KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan involves a number of risks:
- Inflation risk: the bond component does not provide any protection against rising inflation.
- Exchange risk: as the fund investments in securities that are denominated in currencies other than the euro, there is a real possibility that the value of an investment
will be affected by movements in exchange rates. - Credit risk: the bond component of this fund invests primarily, but not exclusively, in bonds with an investment grade rating. If investors have any doubts regarding the creditworthiness of the bonds’ issuers, then the value of those bonds may fall.
The KBC Brussels product rating for the KBC-Life Dynamic Responsible Investing fund is 4 on a scale of 1 (most defensive) to 7 (most dynamic). Besides factoring in market volatility, the KBC Brussels product rating takes account of a number of other factors, such as the proposed redemption of capital, credit ratings, asset allocation, exposure to foreign currencies, and liquidity. Learn more at KBC Brussels.be/productrating.
Learn more
You can find more information in the financial fact sheet, the product fact sheet, the management rules and the general conditions of the KBC-Life Long-Term Fund Plan. Be sure to read these documents carefully before taking out this insurance. This information is governed by the laws of Belgium and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of its courts.
If you have a complaint, you can write to Complaints Management, Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, send an e-mail to complaints@kbc.be or call + 32 16 43 25 94.
If you cannot find a suitable solution, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry’s ombudsman service: Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman-insurance.be . Alternatively, visit www.ombudsman-insurance.be (in Dutch). This does not affect your right to initiate legal proceedings.
Read these documents before buying into this product.