What’s going to change in April 2021?

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What’s going to change in April 2021?

Several important changes will occur as of 1 April 2021 in our services and the associated charges.

If you already use KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we’ll use these apps to keep you fully informed. This is also where you’ll find all your account information and communications. It’s the quickest way for you to receive all our messages and information and also enables us to provide you with the best possible service.

As of April, therefore, you will no longer receive any post from KBC Brussels.

Still not convinced by our digital apps? Several important changes will still occur regarding our services and charges:

  • As of April 2021, you will no longer be able to your print bank statements on the self-service terminals at our KBC Brussels branches. 
  • Your communications will be grouped together and sent to you by post a maximum of once per month, with the exception of urgent communications. 
  • The charge for receiving bank statements by post will be adjusted to 2.50 euros per account and per month. The charge applies to both current and savings accounts
  • If no transactions are carried out on an account in a particular month, we will not send any statements for that period and no charge will be made. Please note that the crediting of interest on your savings account will also be deemed to be a transaction, for which you will receive a statement that month by post.

Switch to digital

Solutions that allow you to do your banking yourself on your smartphone, tablet or computer have become firmly embedded in our lives. Over 1.5 million customers currently use KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, thus ensuring they receive the best possible service.

KBC Brussels Mobile and KBC Brussels Touch mean you have free access to your account information at all times on your device. And that you receive all communications the instant we send them to you.

You can also easily contact an expert at KBC Brussels Live or your KBC Brussels branch for assistance. It’s up to you whether to do so via messaging, a phone call or an appointment.

Don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch yet? There’s a new world waiting for you, so make sure to request your free starter pack. If you use itsme, you can get started right away with KBC Mobile for your smartphone or with KBC Brussels Touch for your tablet or computer.

More information about the changes coming into effect as of April 2021 are set out below.

Private persons

As of 1 April, our self-service terminals will no longer print out statements.

If you already have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, you can check your account information easily using our apps, any time you want. If you need any assistance, visit www.kbcbrussels.be/selfbanking. Aware you can generate your own bank statements using KBC Brussels Touch? Find out how.

If you don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we’ll send your bank statements to you by post from April onwards. This will happen monthly in the case of accounts on which a transaction has occurred.
You will be charged 2.50 euros a month for each current or savings account for which we send statements.

If you’d prefer not to pay any charges, you should activate KBC Brussels Touch or KBC Brussels Mobile. We’ll then see to it that in future you receive all messages and account information through our apps and don’t have to pay any postal charges.

If you already have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we’ll stop sending your statements by post. Your account information is always available digitally, after all. You can also download everything yourself and print out your statements at home. Find out more about viewing your account information digitally in KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch

If you don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, you will continue to receive your bank statements each month by post. The charge is increasing, however, from 1.70 euros to 2.50 euros per account per month. The same new charge will also apply from that moment to savings account statements.

Say you have both a current and a savings account for which statements are available. We will then send you the statements for each account by post each month at a charge of 2.50 euros per account. That means total charges of 5 euros a month to receive your statements in the post.

If you already have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we’ll stop sending your statements by post. Your account information is always available digitally, after all. You can also download everything yourself and print out your statements at home. Find out more about viewing your account information digitally in KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch.

If you don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, you will continue to receive your bank statements every day by post. The charge is increasing, however, from 15 euros to 25 euros per account per month. The same new charge will also apply from that moment to savings account statements.

Prefer to receive your statements once a month in future? The staff at your KBC Brussels branch will be pleased to help you.

As of 1 April, our self-service terminals will no longer print out statements.

If you already have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we’ll cancel the subscription to printed bank statements. Information about the account-holder’s account is accessible at all times via our digital apps.

If you don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, you will receive the bank statements once a month by post. The account-holder will be charged 2.50 euros* a month for each current or savings account for which we send statements.

* No charge will be made for account-holders born before 1 January 1941 or who are minors, not legally competent or visually impaired (Braille).

If that person uses KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we’ll no longer send out any statements as he or she can already access the account information via our digital apps.

If they don't have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we will send the statements by post and will charge 2.50 euros per account per month.

* There is no charge for individuals who were born before 1 January 1941 or who are minors, not legally competent or visually impaired (Braille).

As of 1 April 2021, our self-service terminals will no longer print statements.

If that person uses KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, he or she can then access the account information free of charge via both digital apps.

If they don't have KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch, we will send the statements by post from 1 April 2021 and charge 2.50 euros* per account per month.

* There is no charge for individuals who were born before 1 January 1941 or who are minors, not legally competent or visually impaired (Braille).

Certain customers will not be charged for receiving their statements by post. The customers in question are:

  • Minors 
  • Customers born before 1 January 1941 
  • Customers who are not legally competent 
  • Visually impaired customers (Braille)

You only pay for months where a bank statement is generated, i.e. when a transaction has been carried out. Please note that the crediting of interest on your savings account will also be deemed to be a transaction, for which you will receive a statement that month by post.

No, nothing will change for this type of account.

As of April, the ability to print bank statements is the only function that will no longer be available via a self-service terminal. Other functions, such as those for transferring money or updating your details, will remain in place.

KBC Brussels Touch

How it works

  • Log in to KBC Brussels Touch
  • Click Account statements at the top, then Get e-statements
  • Select the accounts you want statements for
  • Pick a file format (PDF or CSV)
  • Opt to set how often you get statements automatically through Touch
  • Hit Get e-statements

KBC Brussels Business Dashboard

How it works

  • Log in to KBC Brussels Business Dashboard
  • Go to Payments and open Account information
  • Click Request statements of account, then New subscription
  • Pick a file format (PDF or CSV)
  • Hit Request statements of account

Not using KBC Brussels Business Dashboard yet? Learn more

The following types of current and savings accounts are exempt and holders will not be charged for having bank statements sent to them by post:

  • Itemised notary-public's accounts
  • Security deposit savings accounts
  • Attachment accounts
  • Investor's accounts
  • Asset management accounts

Certain customer groups are also exempt:

  • Minors
  • Persons who are not legally competent
  • Customers born before 1 January 1941
  • Visually impaired customers (Braille)
  • Persons with a dormant account (i.e. the customer has not carried out any transactions on it over the past month)


As of 1 April, our self-service terminals will no longer print statements.

If you already use KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch for yourself or your business, you can easily print statements for your business in KBC Brussels Touch. This is possible if you already use one of our apps. Additional information can be found in our demo.

If you don’t use KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch for yourself or your business, we’ll send your bank statements and other communications by post. Everything will be grouped together and sent to you once a month. The charge for this will be 2.50 euros per account per month, debited from the account in question.

If you'd rather avoid postal charges, activate KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch. We can then offer you the best possible service and you also have access to all your account information, documents and communications.

No, it isn’t legally required. If you need evidence of a particular transaction for a counterparty, you simply create a document in KBC Brussels Touch or KBC Brussels Mobile.

You can generate bank statements easily yourself with KBC Brussels Touch on your computer or tablet. You can then download them as a PDF document or a CSV file.

If your accountant works digitally, simply e-mail them the file. And if you’d still rather work with printed statements, you can print the file at home.

Find out more about KBC Brussels Touch and how to activate it.

Anything still unclear or need help with our apps? A KBC Brussels staff member will be happy to help you by phone on + 32 16 43 25 50 (on weekdays between 8.30 a.m. and 5 p.m.).