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Compare our business credit cards and prepaid card

  • Check out the unique features of all our cards
  • Look, compare and decide with our handy overview
  • Make life easy for yourself and apply for your preferred credit card online
KBC Brussels Business Prepaid Card Business credit card
18,12 euro

per year1

15 euro

per year1

Standard spending limit

The maximum amount you can spend over the period of a month, this varies from credit card to credit card.

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Card balance (max. 5,000 euros) 3,000 euros

Preload or pay after

Preload Pay after

Secure payments worldwide and online

Pay by contactless

Online card management

KBC Brussels Touch, KBC Brussels Mobile and KBC Brussels Business Dashboard KBC Brussels Touch, KBC Brussels Mobile and KBC Brussels Business Dashboard

Online card application

Suitable for staff

Even if they are not KBC Brussels clients

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1 Including KBC Brussels Business PRO Account.