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Apply for your business credit card online

  • Pay and withdraw cash worldwide
  • Choose your own spending limit
  • Manage your card the easy way online
Apply through KBC Brussels Touch
Apply through the KBC Brussels Business Dashboard

Do you prefer to apply for your credit card via KBC Brussels Mobile?

  1. Log in
  2. Tap ‘My KBC Brussels‘ at the bottom of the screen and then ‘Business’ at the top
  3.  Scroll to ‘Means of payment’ and tap ‘(+) New’
  4. Select ‘Business credit card’
  5. Select your business current account and then tap ‘KBC Brussels Mastercard Business Essential’
  6. Follow the instructions

You can also get Kate to help you. Your digital assistant can be found in the top-right corner of KBC Brussels Mobile. Tap the icon and type: ‘I want to apply for a business credit card’.

  • Pay and withdraw cash worldwide
  • Choose your own spending limit
  • Manage your card the easy way online
Apply through KBC Brussels Mobile