Which online banking tool is best for you?

We offer you:

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Which online banking tool is best for you?

We offer you:

Online banking: 2 possibilities

Two different digital applications that you can use on their own or in combination to support you in your day-to-day operations. Compare their features and decide which services best suit your needs.

KBC Brussels Touch KBC Brussels Business Dashboard


Day-to-day banking Extensive banking


Business and personal Business only

Works on

Computer (Windows/Mac) Computer (Windows/Mac)

View account details

Unlimited number of transfers, incl. outside Europe

Daily transfer limit

As required As required

Overview of current credit facilities

View and print reports

Integrates with accounting software

Combine KBC Brussels Touch with KBC Brussels Business Dashboard

You do this easily, doing more complex payments at work during the day using KBC Brussels Business Dashboard and, in the evening, checking your business accounts from the comfort of home using KBC Brussels Touch.

Related products

Online banking tailored to the needs of your business

KBC Brussels Online for Business lets you manage your domestic payments quickly and easily from your desktop or tablet.

How to sign a tax pre-payment plan in KBC Brussels Business Dashboard

It's really easy to sign your tax pre-payment plan online in the KBC Brussels Business Dashboard. We explain below how it's done in just a few simple steps.

Ordering foreign currency online

  • Decide on the currency
  • Decide on the amount
  • Order wherever and whenever you want

Pay Service

A flexible payment terminal connected to your PC that's both user- and wallet-friendly? What more could you need for your business?