Starting your own business

Thought about a VAT number or a business account? Our experts will tell you what needs to be done when starting your own business.

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Starting your own business

Thought about a VAT number or a business account? Our experts will tell you what needs to be done when starting your own business.

This section is currently being translated. Many articles will be added here regularly. Please feel free to revisit this page. In the meantime, if you wish, you can consult our articles on business creation in French or Dutch (use the language choice at the top left of this page).

How do I become self-employed?

Well prepared to start your own business

How do I draw up a business plan?

Convince banks and investors, assess the feasability of your idea, and get expert feedback.

Starting out as self-employed in a secondary occupation

  • What are the conditions?
  • What costs are involved?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks?

How do I apply for a VAT number?

One of the first formalities to be completed when starting up a business is to register your company with the ‘Crossroads Bank for Enterprises’ (CBE) database. When you register, you will be assigned a company number that you also have to activate as your VAT number.