18 jaar
18 jaar

Just turned 18?

Send us a few details – 100% digital

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Just turned 18?

Send us a few details – 100% digital

Congratulations, you’ve (almost) come of age! One of the things you can now do on your own is manage your current and savings accounts. But before you can, you'll need to provide us with a few details so we can sort out the formalities at this end.

Important: if you download KBC Brussels Mobile before you turn eighteen, you can deal with your administration in the app and not have to go to a branch to sign the necessary documents. What’s more, you avoid paying postage when you use KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch!

In a branch?

Drop by your branch (or any of our nearby branches) and we’ll be happy to help you sort out the formalities we need you to complete.

Make an appointment

Online with KBC Brussels Mobile?

Do you prefer to share your data via our app? Scan the QR code and download KBC Brussels Mobile (just follow the instructions on your phone). 

Download KBC Brussels Mobile for Android

Download KBC Brussels Mobile for iOS