Save and invest on your phone

See all you can do with KBC Brussels Mobile

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Save and invest on your phone

See all you can do with KBC Brussels Mobile

Do more with KBC Brussels Mobile

Do you only use KBC Brussels Mobile to make and receive payments? If so, you’re missing out on many of the benefits of our mobile banking app. That includes lots of time and energy-saving features for savers and investors. See for yourself!

  1. Open or close a savings account
  2. Open a pension savings account
  3. Set up an investment plan
  4. Manage investment plans on your mobile
  5. Mobile investing with advice

1. Open or close a savings account

With our Mobile app, you always have a clear view of your savings accounts on you. Open an account for yourself, yourself and your partner (provided they’re known to us) or any of your children (again, if they’re on record with us). It also lets you see your current balance at any time, set up automatic savings orders and transfer money in real time from your savings account to your current account or vice versa.

Go to the ‘Settings’ tab for a savings account to quickly close it with ease. That includes savings accounts you hold yourself, with your spouse or with your children. It also applies to savings accounts you’re authorised to access under power of attorney.

You can also manage account insurance for your insurable savings accounts entirely online using KBC Brussels Mobile. Take out and end account insurance with ease under the ‘Settings’ tab for the account. Just drop by your KBC branch if you’d like to take out or end insurance for your insurable current accounts.

Want to find out more? See how to open or close a savings account in KBC Brussels Mobile.

Enjoy a free savings account

2. Open a pension savings account

Tax relief and security for later convinces many people to start saving for retirement. We now make saving for your pension even easier than ever – right from your phone! Set up a pension savings plan, get updates and top up your plan to get the most from your taxes.

Want to find out more? See how to set and top up a pension savings plan in KBC Brussels Mobile.

Open a pension savings account in KBC Brussels Mobile

3. Set up an investment plan

Did you know that you can now also set up an investment plan using KBC Brussels Mobile? Get an investment plan in just a few taps and manage it on your phone.

Want to find out more? Find answers to your questions about investment plans.

Start investing using KBC Brussels Mobile

4. Manage investment plans on your mobile

Change how much and how often you invest for all your investment plans and personalise your plans by changing their name and photo to see at a glance why you’re investing. That could be for things like a round-the-world trip of your dreams or a financial helping hand for your child or grandchild.

Already investing your spare change? KBC Brussels Mobile lets you pause and restart that in just a few taps. Like to invest more? Just add another standing order to your spare change investing plan.

5. Mobile investing with advice

Everyone’s different and investing is no exception. That’s why we give you tailored proposals to suit you and your budget. For instance, you can also indicate whether you like to invest sustainably. You would then invest solely in countries and companies that have a positive impact on society, the environment and the world we live in.

Want to get started right away with the advice we give you? You can with our Mobile app. It lets you easily set up an investment plan and/or open a savings or pension savings account with us in no time.

Who, what, where? See more on how mobile investing with advice works.

Get personalised advice using KBC Brussels Mobile

We're here to help

Getting started with KBC Brussels Mobile

Manage your accounts on your phone: easy and secure, wherever and whenever you want.

Contact us with KBC Brussels Mobile

Call or e-mail your bank branch in KBC Brussels Mobile. Lost your bank card? Contact Card Stop using the app.

Enjoy the ease of our Mobile app

  • Make cardless cash withdrawals
  • Shop online without a card reader
  • Get it for iOS, Android or Windows

Change your settings with KBC Brussels Mobile

You can easily change your limits or link a smartwatch in your settings.