The fastest way to find your dream home

  • Find your ideal home to rent or buy
  • Discover 'immoscoop only' properties you can’t find anywhere else
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Discover Immoscoop in KBC Brussels Mobile

Finding your new home can be a time-consuming business. However, you could speed things up more than you think by using the additional ‘Immoscoop’ service in KBC Brussels Mobile! Whether you’re looking for your first home or a short-term flat rental, you’ll find plenty of interesting options in just a few taps.

Get information from estate agents themselves

Estate agents place the properties directly on the Immoscoop platform. You can see if a property has just been put on the market by a special 'immoscoop only' label in the search results. It means that the details of the property for rent or sale have not been published anywhere else, giving you a head start on other property hunters! If something interests you, contact the estate agent directly.

Currently, you will find mostly homes located in Flanders, including the Flemish periphery around the Brussels Capital Region. Meanwhile, we’re working behind the scenes to develop handy new features that will soon make your search even more effective.

How does it work?

1. Open KBC Brussels Mobile and tap ‘Additional services
2. Go to ‘Home & energy’ and tap ‘Immoscoop’.

Your search can now begin. Good luck!


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Discover Immoscoop in KBC Brussels Mobile