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Arranged overdraft (KBC Brussels Budget Facility)

Up to 750 euros overdrawn
with no fixed charges
  • Unexpected costs? Make the payment with peace of mind
  • You don't pay anything if you don't overdraw your account
  • Apply for the facility in KBC Brussels Mobile or KBC Brussels Touch
Go temporarily overdrawn on your account
Business customer? Discover the KBC Brussels Business Budget Facility

Access to additional funds can come in handy at times

It could be that you want to make a large payment or allow yourself something extra, but you aren't sure whether your salary has been paid into your account. Or you urgently need to pay a large bill, but you've noticed last month's spend on your credit card has just been debited from your account. With a cash reserve or KBC Brussels Budget Facility, you can go overdrawn by up to 750 euros.

Kate is also there to help if you need to go overdrawn

Need to access some additional funds? Don’t hesitate to ask Kate, your digital assistant in KBC Brussels Mobile, to set up a budget facility for you.

Ask Kate

Everything you need to know about the KBC Brussels Budget Facility

Als je onder nul gaat, heb je exact een maand de tijd om je rekening terug aan te zuiveren. Je kunt altijd opnieuw onder nul gaan, vanaf dat je saldo één dag positief is.

(Je contract voor je KBC Brussels Budget Facility blijft doorlopen, tenzij je het één maand vooraf opzegt met een aangetekende zending.)

Je betaalt enkel voor het aantal dagen en het bedrag waarmee je onder nul gaat. We rekenen een rente aan van 9,39% op het bedrag waarmee je onder nul gaat. Ga je bijvoorbeeld 2 dagen voor 100 euro in het rood? Dan betaal je slechts 0,05 euro rente.

Om de 3 maanden berekenen we hoeveel rente je moet betalen. Als dat meer is dan 2,5 euro, dan wordt dat automatisch afgehouden van je zichtrekening. Is dat minder is dan 2,5 euro? Dan wordt dat opgeteld bij de rente van de volgende 3 maanden.

Koppel je KBC Brussels Budget Facility aan een KBC Brussels Basic Account of een KBC Brussels Plus Account. Ben je zelfstandige en doe je uitgaven voor je zaak? Dan kun je je zakelijke rekening koppelen aan een KBC Brussels Business Budget Facility.

Bekijk onze handige demo en ga meteen zelf aan de slag.

Wil je graag meer dan 750 euro in het rood gaan? Of wil je je terugbetaling liever spreiden over meerdere maanden? Neem even contact op met KBC Brussels Live of ga gerust langs in je vertrouwde kantoor.

If you go overdrawn, you have exactly one month to clear your debit balance. Once your account has been back in credit for at least one day, you can dip into your overdraft facility again.

(Your KBC Brussels Budget Facility contract continues as before, unless you cancel it one month in advance by registered post).

Every three months, we calculate how much interest you have to pay. If it's more than 2.50 euros, it'll be automatically deducted from your current account. If it's 2.50 euros or less, it'll be added to any interest for the next three-month period.

Link your KBC Brussels Budget Facility to your KBC Brussels Plus Account. If you're self-employed and have business expenses, you can link your business account to a KBC Brussels Business Budget Facility.

Ask Kate, your digital assistant in KBC Brussels Mobile, to set up a budget facility for you.

  1. Log in to KBC Brussels Mobile
  2. Tap the Kate icon at the top right of your screen
  3. Type ‘going overdrawn’

Kate will help you right away.

If you'd like to increase your overdraft facility or clear it over several months instead of one, get in touch with KBC Brussels Live or drop by your local branch.

Go temporarily overdrawn on your account


  KBC Brussels Budget Facility
If you activate the KBC Brussels Budget Facility but don't use it
Free of charge
Interest rate if you use the KBC Brussels Budget Facility Variable debit interest rate of 10.09% on the amount you're overdrawn by (APR 10.48%)

The KBC Brussels Budget Facility is a credit facility in the form of an authorised debit balance on an account. Subject to your credit application being approved by KBC Bank NV. Lender: KBC Bank NV, Havenlaan 2,  1080 Brussels, VAT BE 0462.920.226, RLP Brussels.

The annual percentage rate of charge is calculated on the basis of the specified amount of credit and on the assumptions of full and immediate drawdown of  the credit facility, the specified debit interest rate remains unchanged, the credit facility lasts for three months, the principal is repaid and debit interest is paid  after three equal months.