Purchase protection insurance

Torn your new coat? The Purchase protection insurance covers the costs up

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Purchase protection insurance

Torn your new coat? The Purchase protection insurance covers the costs up

It's bound to happen: the moment you buy an expensive new jumper, you get the sleeve caught on a door handle. Result: a damaged jumper that you either can't wear any more or need to get repaired, costing you even more money. 

Protection against loss or damage

Torn your skirt getting up from your chair? Broken your glasses because you sat on them? These are typical examples of accidental damage: loss or destruction of or damage to your purchase due to an external cause. The purchase protection insurance protects your purchases against this sort of damage for up to 90 days after purchase or delivery date.

Protection against theft

Had your laptop computer stolen from the boot of your car? This is known as aggravated theft, in other words theft preceded by forcible entry - such as forcing a lock - or theft with physical violence. The purchase protection insurance will pay compensation in this case, too.

The insurer will reimburse you the repair costs, or replacement cost as new, of the damaged or stolen item, up to a maximum of 3,000 euros per insured credit card per year. If the repair costs exceed the new replacement value, only the latter will be reimbursed.

What goods are insured?

Purchase protection insurance covers movable assets with a value of 50 euros (including VAT) or more, which were purchased new with the credit card to which this insurance is linked.
The purchased goods must

  • Be new
  • Have been sold by a professional salesperson
  • Be intended for private use

What goods are not insured?

The main goods that are not covered are

  • Money, foreign currency, travellers' cheques and trading securities
  • Mobile phones
  • Second-hand or used goods
  • Jewellery, watches
  • Fur
  • Works of art

When are you protected?

  • At least half of your purchase must have been paid for using your KBC credit card to which the insurance policy is linked
  • You must still have the credit card in your possession at the time of the claim
  • Keep both your proof of purchase and your credit card bill or monthly statement, because you will need to present these in the event of a claim

When are you not protected?

In some situations, the purchase protection insurance will not intervene. The main ones are

  • Deliberate damage caused by the insured person or members of their household
  • The loss or inexplicable disappearance of the insured item
  • Damage during transportation
  • Ordinary wear and tear
  • Aesthetic damage, such as scratches or dents

This insurance is included with the KBC Brussels Credit Card Silver, Gold and Platinum.

The KBC Brussels Silver Credit Card and KBC Brussels Gold Credit Card are credit cards issued by: KBC Bank NV, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels, Belgium, VAT BE 0462.920.226, RLP Brussels, FSMA 026256 A.

KBC Brussels Flex Budget is an open-ended credit facility linked to the KBC Brussels Silver Credit Card, KBC Brussels Gold Credit Card or KBC Brussels Platinum Credit Card and used as an additional means for drawing credit.

Lender and credit card issuer: KBC Bank NV. Subject to your card or credit application being approved by KBC Bank NV.

Discover the KBC Brussels Credit Card

Good to know

  • You can submit a claim under the insurance as long as your credit card is active and you have paid the card fee. The insurance ends automatically when the contract between KBC Bank NV and the insurer is cancelled.
  • You must have signed up for the insurance to be able to make a claim. Signing up is free of charge.
  • Your KBC Brussels bank branch is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have about this advertisement. If no agreement can be reached, please contact complaints@kbc.be, tel. 016 43 25 94 (free of charge) or + 32 78 15 20 45 (charges apply), fax + 32 16 86 30 38.
  • If you have any complaints concerning this insurance, you can address them to the Management, London General Insurance Company limited, c/o The Warranty Group Europe, Uitbreidingstraat 84, 2600 Berchem, or send an e-mail to info.nl@thewarrantygroup.com. If no satisfactory solution can be reached, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry's ombudsman service: Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman-insurance.be, www.ombudsman-insurance.be.
  • The insurer is London General Insurance Company Ltd., with its offices in Integra House, Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9JZ, United Kingdom, licensed under code 987 to provide insurance services for the coverage of financial losses (16) via its branch office in Belgium, located at Steenpoeldreef 11, 1850 Grimbergen.
  • The administrator is TWG Services Ltd., with its offices in Integra House, Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9JZ, United Kingdom, supervised by the British Financial Conduct Authority and registered under number 312440, with a branch in the Netherlands, conducting business there under the name The Warranty Group Europe, the Netherlands, with its offices at President Kennedylaan 106, Velp, conducting business in Belgium within the framework for the free provision of services, and authorised to act as an insurance intermediary, acting in this regard as administrator for account of London General Insurance Company Ltd.
  • It is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • This insurance is a class 16 product (financial loss insurance).
  • The conditions of cover are available at any KBC Brussels branch or at www.kbcbrussels.be/platinum. The applicable general conditions alone determine your right to compensation from the insurer.

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