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KBC Brussels's current accounts

KBC Brussels Basic Account

KBC Brussels Plus Account

Young person’s account

Some reasons why our customers choose a current account at KBC Brussels

  • KBC Brussels Mobile is the ‘Best Banking App in Belgium’ and boasts a world-class range of additional services and deals
  • A free debit card and contactless payment technology
  • Fund transfers to your own and other accounts are always in real time
Compare our current accounts

Go for the KBC Brussels account that’s right for you

KBC Brussels Basic Account

Most popular

KBC Brussels Plus Account
Young person’s account
2.00 euros*


3.75 euros


Free of charge

for under-25s

Credit card

Free of charge Free of charge Free of charge

Second debit card

0.75 euros/month yes yes

Personalised debit card

10 euros yes yes

Cash withdrawals in euros at KBC/CBC/KBC Brussels ATMs

Cash withdrawals in euros at other ATMs in Europe

0.50 euros as from 25th transaction yes yes

Cash withdrawals in euros at counters

2 euros/transaction yes yes

Online banking

Instant credit transfer

Free service available through KBC Brussels Mobile: digital safe  (18 years and older)

Charging limited to 5 MB Unlimited charging Unlimited charging

Apple Pay

Goal Alert

0.99 euro/year yes yes

* If you already have a KBC Brussels Plus Account and you open an additional KBC Brussels Basic Account, that KBC Brussels Basic Account will remain free. Important: the holder of the KBC Brussels Plus Account and the KBC Brussels Basic Account must be the exact same person.

Find out more about our accounts

Open a joint account

A joint account is a current account in your name and the name of one or more other individuals. 

KBC Brussels Business PRO

  • Keep personal and business accounts separate
  • View balances and transactions in real time
  • Get extra cards

Switching banks in just 3 steps

How easy is it to switch banks? Easier than you think! Do it in 3 simple steps courtesy of our free Bank Switching Service.

Account for your child

5 goede redenen waarom dit een goed idee is

Open an account online

Opening an account online? Any one over 18 can open one, whether they're a client or not.

KBC Universal Banking Service

If you don't have a smartphone, PC or tablet, or you prefer not to bank digitally, then this is ideal solution for you.

KBC Brussels Basic Banking Service

Low-cost current account and debit card. Only available to individuals with less than 10,000 euros at their disposal.