Admission ticket cancellation insurance

KBC Brussels will refund the cost of your tickets

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Admission ticket cancellation insurance

KBC Brussels will refund the cost of your tickets

Tickets for sporting and cultural events are insured against cancellation. If, for instance, you break your leg and can’t attend your favourite festival, all or part of the cost of your tickets will be refunded via your Platinum Credit Card.

What is covered?

What if you are unable to use your admission tickets unexpectedly due to illness, hospital admission or death? We will refund all or part of the cost of your unused admission tickets to sporting and cultural events.

You can claim under this insurance policy in the following situations

  • If you or a member of your family living with you is ill on the day of the event
  • Your cohabiting partner, your child or grandchild, your parent or grandparent, or your brother or sister is critically ill or unexpectedly hospitalised. The same applies to the corresponding relatives of your cohabiting partner.
  • Complications during your pregnancy or that of your cohabiting partner or the birth of your child

When am I covered?

  • Maximum 250 euros per unused ticket with an excess of 10 euros per ticket. We will not reimburse you for administration charges or postage.
  • We will reimburse you for a maximum of 500 euros per event, and up to 1 500 euros per calendar year and for each account to which the card is linked.
Main conditions
  • The tickets must provide access to the event on a specific date.
  • They must have been purchased less than 12 months before the event.
  • The tickets must be intended to be used by you or by members of your family living with you.
  • Tickets must have been paid for using a valid KBC Brussels Platinum Credit Card in your possession both at the time the tickets were bought and on the date of the event.
Main exclusions 
  • Tickets that can be exchanged or refunded
  • Subscriptions
  • Cinema tickets
  • Inability to attend due to events prior to the purchase of the tickets

This insurance is free of charge and optional. To benefit from its cover, you have to sign up to it.

This insurance is included with the KBC Brussels Platinum Credit Card.

Discover the KBC Brussels Credit Card

Important information

Please note, read the general conditions of this insurance policy so that you are familiar with the precise scope of the cover: Regulations and general insurance conditions for KBC Platinum Flex Credit Cards.

  • The policy is provided by KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium. VAT No. BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB. Company licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979). A member of the KBC Group.
  • Your KBC Brussels branch is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have about this advertisement. If no agreement can be reached, you can contact KBC Complaints Management by post (Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven),, tel. 016 43 25 94.
    If you have a complaint concerning this advertisement and are unable to reach a suitable resolution, you can contact Ombudsfin vzw, North Gate II, Koning Albert II laan 8, bus 2, 1000 Brussels, tel. + 32 2 545 77 70, fax + 32 2 545 77 79, e-mail
    If you have a complaint with regard to insurance, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry's ombudsman service: Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels,,
    You can submit a claim under the insurance as long as your credit card is active and you have paid the card fee. The insurance ends automatically when the contract between KBC Bank NV and the insurer is cancelled.
  • Belgian law applies to all insurance cover specified here.
  • This insurance is a class 16 product (financial loss insurance).
    The conditions of cover are available from all KBC Brussels branches and at The applicable general conditions alone determine your right to compensation from the insurer.

More info

Your intermediary: KBC Brussels, part of KBC Bank NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium
VAT BE 0462.920.226 – RLP Brussels – IBAN BE98 7300 0000 0083 – BIC KREDBEBB – FSMA 026256 A, tied agent of KBC Insurance NV
Member of the KBC Group

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