Comfort zone investing

with KBC Brussels expertise

Comfort zone investing

with KBC Brussels expertise

We’re delighted you’re already investing with us

We do our utmost to keep improving your daily experience by providing even better service, more digital support and constant innovation in the field of investing.

NEW: Comfort zone investing

The latest investment innovation is ‘comfort zone investing’: seeking returns without leaving your comfort zone. Research shows that most of our customers aren’t always that comfortable investing. The fear of making a loss is greater than the hope of making a gain. That creates uncertainty and worry, the last thing you want when it comes to your money.

Investing is more than just weighing up risks and returns

The ideal situation is for you to make a return in the longer term without feeling uncomfortable at any time about your investments. Because investing is more than just letting your rational thought guide you, our investment experts now also take your gut feeling into account. We’ll help you find the right balance between seeking profit and limiting loss.

Whatever way you invest with us, our new approach means you’re never outside your comfort zone.
More than ever before, we can help you find investments that fit you – now and in the future.

Our experts adapt to all economic weathers

Whether it’s stormy or fair on the financial markets, our experts respond accordingly
so you avoid any unpleasant surprises. That means you’ll never get caught in the rain without an umbrella or have a winter sweater on during a heatwave.

Our experts’ investment strategy does well.

Good weather

If the weather is fair without extremes, our experts are happy to leave things as they are.

Limit potential losses

Changeable weather

If the weather is changeable, we’re flexible. Our experts switch quickly between rainwear and a summery T-shirt.

Avoid potential losses as much as possible

Bad weather

If the financial markets are facing turbulent times, our experts’ investment strategy keeps an umbrella over your head and tries to avoid potential losses as much as possible.


KBC Brussels makes investment even easier

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