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Want to report something suspicious?

If you receive a message or call from KBC that you don't trust, ignore it or hang up and send an e-mail to our fraud department at secure4u@kbc.be. We’ll run a check for you.
If you’ve been approached by someone purporting to be from another bank or organisation, send the message to verdacht@safeonweb.be, the government's fraud hotline.

Why is this important?

Thanks to your report, action can be taken to stop the fraud. We can:

  • display a warning when someone visits the bogus website
  • remove the bogus website so others avoid falling victim to the fraud
  • notify Safeonweb app users of common fraud alerts

Discover the Safeonweb app

Stay up to date on online threats and scams the quick and easy way with the free Safeonweb app (available for iOS and Android devices).

If you suspect fraud, inform us immediately

KBC Brussels Antivirus Software Package

Protect your computers, tablets and smartphones against viruses and unsafe websites.

How to bank securely online

Keep hackers out with our security tips

How cyber criminals operate