Suggestions or complaints?

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Suggestions or complaints?

Suggestions or complaints? We'll work until it works!

You expect top-notch service from us, and you've every right to do so! We like to hear that you are satisfied, but we'd also like to know if you're not. That's why we're asking you to share your suggestions and complaints with us, so that we can continue to improve the service we provide.

Where can you go with your suggestion or complaint?

To a member of staff at your bank branch or insurance agent

Contact your bank branch or insurance agent or submit your suggestion or complaint to your branch using this form.

To KBC Complaints Management

Do you feel uncomfortable submitting your suggestion or complaint to your branch or agent or are you dissatisfied with the solution you've been offered?

KBC Complaints Management

Brusselsesteenweg 100
3000 Leuven
Phone 0800 620 84
Fax 016 86 30 38

Contact KBC Complaints Management. KBC Brussels has endorsed the codes of conduct for complaints management in banks and insurance companies. They are an experienced team ready to mediate and assist you in finding a solution. If we are unable to respond immediately, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt so that you know that we are dealing with your problem or suggestion. We will also give you an idea when you can expect a response from us.

To an impartial external Ombudsman

If so, you can turn to the Insurance Ombudsman or the Ombudsman in financial disputes 
an impartial external Ombudsman. The Insurance Ombudsman and the Ombudsman in financial conflicts are the relevant competent authorities. This is free of charge and completely confidential.

Insurance Ombudsman
Ombudsman in financial conflicts

de Meeûsplantsoen 35
1000 Brussel
Phone 02 547 58 71

North Gate II
Koning AlbertII-laan 8, bus 2
1000 Brussel
Phone 02 545 77 70
Fax 02 545 77 79

Prefer to talk to us in person at a branch of your choice?