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You're not unsubscribed

The link you clicked isn't working due to a technical problem. Please accept our apologies for this.

See below to read about other ways to unsubscribe from our e-mails and newsletters.

1. Don't want to receive e-mails?

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from our e-mails at any time.

  1. Log in to KBC Brussels Touch
  2. Go to 'Profile' at the top right of your screen
  3. Select 'Client details' at the bottom left of the screen
  4. Indicate whether or not you want to receive your commercial communication by e-mail
  1. Log in to KBC Brussels Mobile
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top left to open your settings
  3. Select 'Personal details'
  4. Indicate whether you would like to receive commercial communication by e-mail

Inform KBC Brussels Live of your choice.

Changes may take up to 48 hours to be fully effective. However, you will continue to receive legal and administrative information.

2. Don't want to receive newsletters?

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from our newsletters at any time.

  1. Log in to KBC Brussels Touch
  2. Go to 'Profile' at the top right of your screen
  3. Select 'Communication preferences' at the bottom left of your screen
  4. Indicate the newsletters you want to receive

Inform KBC Brussels Live of your choice.

Changes may take up to 48 hours to be fully effective. However, you will continue to receive legal and administrative information.

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