If you have any suggestions or complaints

concerning KBC Bank or KBC Insurance, let us know

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If you have any suggestions or complaints

concerning KBC Bank or KBC Insurance, let us know

Suggestions or complaints — bank branch or insurance agent

Please enter your personal details

* = field must be filled in

Your proposal, problem or complaint
The maximum number of characters is 2000.
What do you expect from us? Which solution do you propose?
The maximum number of characters is 2000.
Find your bank branch or insurance agent*

* This information is required in order to send your proposal, problem or complaint to your bank branch or insurance agent.

Find branch

KBC aims to process your personal data in a manner that is lawful, appropriate and transparent. Further details about how we process and share your personal data are set out in our privacy statement.It explains your rights and how you can exercise them. Our privacy statement is available at www.kbcbrussels.be/en/privacy, at your branch or from your intermediary and is regularly revised.​​