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Buy bus and tram tickets with KBC Brussels Mobile

  • Cheaper than a ticket bought by text message
  • Buy a one journey ticket or 10 journey ticket (m-card10)
  • Available immediately
Check out De Lijn in KBC Brussels Mobile

If you regularly take the bus or tram, you can get your ticket or 10-journey card in an instant using the additional ‘De Lijn’ service in KBC Brussels Mobile!

You don't even need to have a KBC Brussels account to buy your bus or tram ticket in KBC Brussels Mobile. Convenience guaranteed!

Travel more cheaply on the bus or tram

Your ticket costs less with KBC Brussels Mobile than when it’s bought by text message. Remember that you have to buy the ticket before boarding and that it becomes ‘active’ right away, which means you cannot buy a ticket and then use it later. If you want to do that, you should buy a 10-journey card (valid for one year) and get the added benefit of paying even less for your ticket!

Ticket Price per journey
Ticket bought by text message 2,65 euros
Ticket bought via KBC Brussels Mobile 2,50 euros
10-journey ticket 1,70 euros (10-journey ticket costs 17 euros)

Good to know: if you lose your Internet connection while on the bus or tram, there’s no need to panic. Your ticket is always visible on the KBC Brussels Mobile login screen.

How can you buy a bus or tram ticket using KBC Brussels Mobile?

1. Log in to KBC Brussels Mobile and tap ‘Offer
2. Scroll to ‘Mobility’ and tap the ‘De Lijn’ tile
3. Accept Olympus Mobility’s terms of use

Got a question?

Check out the FAQs.

Check out De Lijn in KBC Brussels Mobile

Did you know you can buy NMBS-tickets in KBC Brussels Mobile?